There are many reasons that people have for not eating healthy. Here are a few ideas to help you overcome the obstacles to healthy eating.
1. Say “no” to eating alone. Being with others stimulates your mind and helps you to enjoy your meal. Make a date to share lunch or dinner with family and friends on a rotating basis. Adult Day Care Centers provide companionship and healthy meals. Senior meal programs are a great way to meet others and get a nutrition meal at the same time. The Newington Senior Center has a nutritious meal program. You can find out more by calling them at 860-665-8778.
2. Loss of appetite can be another excuse. Check with your doctor to see if this may be related to any medications you are taking. Changes in a medication dosage may
be able to help. Try natural flavor enhancers such as garlic, onions, ginger and other spices to boost your appetite.
3. Difficulty chewing can be an obstacle to healthy eating. Consult your dentist to make sure that there are no oral problems. Try making smoothies with fruit, yogurt and protein powder. Eat steamed vegetables and soft foods like couscous, rice and yogurt.
4. Eating the same foods over and over is bound to get boring. Start by making variety a priority. Read cooking magazines, buy spices you haven’t tried before and chat with friends about what they eat.
5. If you can’t shop or cook for yourself there are a number of possibilities depending on your living situation, finances and needs. Take advantage of home delivery such as Pea Pod. Ask family, friends or neighbors if they will shop for you. If you live alone consider sharing your home with a housemate willing to shop and cook for you. Hire a homemaker to shop and cook for you. You may also contact your local “Meals on Wheels” for nutritious meals delivered to your door.